‘A Lot to Rebuild and A Lot to Begin’
Rape Crisis Network Ireland Responds to ‘Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence: An Audit of Structures’
Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) welcomes today’s publication of Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence: An Audit of Structures, commissioned by the Department of Justice in consultation with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. The publication sets out findings and recommendations arising from a review of the effectiveness of the current structures in place to oversee policy and its implementation in relation to Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (DSGBV).
Said Clíona Saidléar, executive director of RCNI:
‘As a frontline organisation, RCNI was happy to have been approached for our feedback in the initial stages of the Audit and what we see published today and hear from Government Ministers is a clear signal that sexual and domestic violence will now be truly prioritised for the first time by an Irish Government.’
She continued:
‘We commend Minister of State for Civil and Criminal Law Hildegarde Naughton and Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Roderic O’Gorman on their clear-sighted commitment to building an infrastructure that will connect survivors’ experiences on the ground right through to the heart of Government accountability. We would like to emphasis that the actions arising from this Audit must be addressed on a whole of society and cultural level: DSGBV can no longer be hidden away, it needs to remain in front of all of us and in sight of the whole of Government where the clear light of day can reach it. We have a lot to rebuild and we have a lot to begin.’
The publication of the Audit comes as a result of a Programme for Government commitment to investigate how responsibility for domestic sexual and gender-based violence is segmented across different government agencies and its findings will inform the Third National Strategy to tackle to Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence that will be led by the Department of Justice and published at the end of 2021.