Rape Crisis Ireland (RCI) offers a range of training courses to Rape Crisis Centres and other sexual violence specialists around the country. RCI also provides bespoke training, including training to others who are in contact with survivors.
RCI’s bespoke trainings include training in trauma, disclosure, privacy and data protection for charities, and professionals such as social workers, community workers, lawyers, barristers and judges. We also offer training internationally.
If you are working with survivors of sexual violence and have a training need, please email training@rcni.ie.
We may have a training you can join or be able to adapt existing training to your needs. RCI training may be free to access or come with a nominal fee or donation, depending on you or your organisation’s circumstances. Below is an outline of some of our existing regular trainings.
Court accompaniment training
There is a significant risk that the experience of appearing in court can be re-traumatising for survivors of sexual violence. We offer free training for rape crisis workers to accompany survivors in court.
We run this training course at various court rooms around the country, in collaboration with La Touche Legal Training.
The course covers legal terminology, the roles of defence, prosecution, judge and jury in the court room, the courts system and cross-examination of witnesses. It also provides practical tips on how to best support survivors who testify in court, while respecting the integrity of their testimony.
RCNI has been offering this course since 2019 and has so far trained a total of 210 people to undertake court accompaniment around the country.
Garda accompaniment training
RCI provides free training for rape crisis workers to prepare them to accompany survivors who are considering reporting a crime to An Garda Siochana. We cover basic knowledge of survivors’ rights when making the statement and the implications of disclosure of the survivor’s personal information including the impact of the S19A waiver regarding counselling notes.
We also cover the judicial process: how a file is compiled, the role of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and forensics as well as how to ask the Guards appropriate questions in the presence of the survivor, guidance on their conduct with the survivor and knowledge of An Garda Siochana’s Divisional Protective Service Units.
RCNI has been offering this course since 2015 and has so far trained a total of 421 people to undertake Garda accompaniment around the country.
Legal Clinic training
Legal Clinic training is developed in response to emerging issues or changes in law. Recent legal clinics provided by RCI included the following modules:
- Making a victim impact statement
- Changes in law and impact on practice
- Disclosure and counselling notes
- Mandatory reporting and Data Protection Code of Practice for Counselling
These courses are mostly offered online and include discussions regarding ethical practices.
Cyber security training
RCI works with Liam Lynch from L2 Cyber Security Solutions providing training in support of volunteers and Rape Crisis Centre staff.
The cyber security training allows participants to better identify various types of fraudulent messages, avoid being scammed, and work securely from home. It also covers ransomware and practical tips to store passwords and authentication.
Training with specialised guards
RCI is responsible for part of the training for new and operational gardai at Divisional Protection Services Units (DPSUs).
We provide guidance on supporting survivors of sexual violence, highlighting organisations and charities working on sexual violence and providing insights into trauma and culture and how these can affect survivors.
The sessions include questions and answers and allow us to build relationships between local support services and personnel at the DPSUs.
Rape Crisis Centre (RCC) model Training for Trustees
RCI provides training to Trustees of Rape Crisis Centres, ensuring a deeper understanding of the rape crisis model, ethos and purpose to frame their governance responsibility.
We also cover the history and achievements of the rape crisis movement.
Data Processing training
RCI provides training and support to Rape Crisis Centres and other users which gather data to ensure robust, safe and accurate standards and compliance.
This training includes use of the RCI database, excel, generating reports, processing data and management and storing of consent permissions and the GDPR.